Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016
17:10 to 18:00
Martine Baars, Tamara Van Gog, Anique De Bruin, Fred Paas
Self-regulated learning when solving problems and studying worked examples: the relationship between mental effort and judgements of learning
Roman Abel, Martin Haenze
Arranging solution steps and solving subtasks. Which kind of guidance do learners really need?
Jaewon Jung, Dongsik Kim, Chungsoo Na
Effects of WOE presentation types used in pre-training on the Cognitive Load and comprehension of content in animation-based learning environments
Brendan Bentley, Gregory C.R. Yates
Cognitive Load and calculators, a classroom study
Vincent Hoogerheide, Margot van Wermeskerken, Sofie Loyens, Tamara van Gog
Testing the model-observer similarity hypothesis with video modeling examples
Maria Wirzberger, Maik Beege, Sascha Schneider, Steve Nebel, Günter Daniel Rey
CLT meets WMU: Simultaneous experimental manipulation of load factors in a basal working memory task
Thilo Joachim Ketschau
Cognitive Load as criterion for item difficulty in case of complex problem solving – a quantitative approach with standardized test items
Yuan Gao, Yuling Hsu, Tzu-Chien Liu, John Sweller
Effects of instructional guidance with varying details of representations and learning procedures on learning with computer simulations for novices
Siti Nurma Hanim Hadie, Asma’ Hassan, Saiful Bahri Talip, Zul Izhar Mohd Ismail, Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim
Evaluation of students’ performance after a Cognitive Load Theory-based gross anatomy lecture
Paul Blayney
Improving adaptive instruction with a limited item speed test