5 Oral Presentations

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016
15:30 to 17:10
Worked examples

Matthias Schwaighofer, Markus Bühner, Frank Fischer

Executive functions as moderators of the worked example effect: when shifting is more important than working memory capacity

Bing Ngu, Huy Phan

Learning to solve trigonometry problems: A comparative study of the analogical problem-solving, worked example and problem-solving approaches

Ouhao Chen, Yan She, Slava Kalyuga, Siqing Lian, John Sweller

The isolated-element effect, the worked example effect and the generation effect

Milou van Harsel, Peter Verkoeijen, Tamara van Gog

Sequencing example study and practice problem solving in higher technical education

Katrin Schuessler, Jenna Koenen, Elke Sumfleth

Segmenting or self-explanation prompts – the impact on learning with non-algorithmic worked examples